The options of the USSR rusificator

Just look at them!

List of options

 EGA/VGA Russian screen & keyboard driver. ver. 3.5 pre-release
 Usage: ussr < Options >
 /?  - Simple help.
 /?? - Extended help.
 /?r  - Russian help.
 /??r - More russian help.
 /u  - Unload from memory.
 /r  - Russian/Alternative/Latin mode.
 /i  - IBM/Cyrillic mode.
 /h  - Use / do not use  "H" instead of "H".
 /p  - Use / do not use  "p" instead of "p".
 /f  - Save font tables to disk [ ussr_8.fnt ,ussr_14.fnt ,ussr_16.fnt ].
 /b[X[:N1-N2]]  - Use ROM BIOS font tables for - symbols.
                  (At the start only)
    X = {a,v,e,c} - for {all, 8*16, 8*14, 8*8} table(s)
    N1, N2 = { 0 ... 255 } 
    default: X=a, N1=0, N2=127 
 /n[X] - Do not load (At the start only):
   X = A -[all]- all  font tables
   X = C -[cga]- 8*8  font table
   X = E -[ega]- 8*14 font table
   X = V -[vga]- 8*16 font table
   default: X=A
 /tX:filename.ext - Load font tables from disk:
   X = C -[cga]- 8*8  table
   X = E -[ega]- 8*14 table
   X = V -[vga]- 8*16 table
 /t - Load default tables.
 /c[MX:N] - Set border color for:
   M = C -[cyr]-  Cyrillic mode, russian font.
   M = I -[ibm]-  IBM mode, ROM BIOS font.
    X = L -[lat]- Latin mode, english keyboard.
    X = R -[rus]- Russian mode, russian keyboard.
    X = A -[alt]- Alternative mode, alternative keyboard.
    N = 0 .. 255 -  Color.
 /c - default colors.
 /q[:DELAY:RATE] - Set keyboard speed:    
    DELAY = 0 (fastest) ... 3  ( ..zzzz.. )
    RATE  = 0 (my love) ... 31 ( see  )
 /q  - Quick -  Set fastest keyboard speed.
 /s[:{+,-}] - Save current options to disk (make them default).
 /s:+       - Append current options to defaults.
 /s:-       - Erase default options.
 /e  - Assume CGA as if it were EGA (suppress starting error CGA message).
 /g  - Large keyboard buffer (34 keys).
 /l[:NCS] - Set keyboard lamps on/off:
    NCS = --- , --+  ..  +++  ( NumLock CapsLock ScrLock).
 /l  - All lamps are turned off
 /d  - Set Ctrl-Alt-Del control.
       (You`ll be able to abort programms by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del).
 /d:+  - Set Ctrl-Alt-Del safe control (same as /d).
 /d:?  - Set Ctrl-Alt-Del simple control (but more free memory).
 /k[X:N[:S]] - Set keys to switch modes:
   X = C -[cyr]- Cyrillic/IBM mode, russian/IBM fonts.
   X = L -[lat]- Latin mode, english keyboard.
   X = R -[rus]- Russian mode, russian keyboard.
   X = A -[alt]- Alternative mode, alternative keyboard.
   N = Key`s scan code.
   S = ( for X=C : N = ) Keyboard shift status flags code.
 /k    - Set keys by default.
 /x[N] - Loading without addition module no.N, N={a,0..11}, a - all
 /x    - Loading without all addition modules (eq. /xa)
 /z[N[:parameters]] - Loading with addition module no.N, N={a,0..11},a - all
 /z    - Loading with all addition modules (eq. /za)
 (By default there are only 0,2,3)
 0 - Video control module (int 10h).
     Parameters: none
 1 - Ctrl+Alt+Del control module.
     Parameters: /z1[:X] - X={+,?} (eq. /d)
 2 - Border color setting module.
     Parameters: /z2[:XY:COL] - X={c,i} Y={l,r,a} COL=0..255 (eq. /c)
 3 - Resident control (dynamic modifications of parameters)(int 16h).
     Parameters: none
 4 - Cracking.
     Parameters: /z4[:XXXXXX[:FREQ]]
                      |||||\ Lat,IBM modeż
                      ||||\_ Rus,IBM mode  BIOS fonts
                      |||\__ Alt,IBM mode
                      ||\___ Lat,Cyr mode
                      |\____ Rus,Cyr mode  USSR fonts
                      \_____ Alt,Cyr mode
                      X={+,-} - yes/no
                      FREQ=0..65535  (default 250)
 5 - Squeaking.
     Parameters: /z5[:XXXXXX[:FREQ[:DELAY1[:DELAY2]]]]
                      |||||\ Lat,IBM modeż
                      ||||\_ Rus,IBM mode  BIOS fonts
                      |||\__ Alt,IBM mode
                      ||\___ Lat,Cyr mode
                      |\____ Rus,Cyr mode  USSR fonts
                      \_____ Alt,Cyr mode
                      X={+,-} - yes/no
                      FREQ=0..65535   (default 250)
                      DELAY1=0..65535 (default 100)
                      DELAY2=0..65535 (default 1000)
 6 - Displaing current mode in right upper conner.
     Parameters: none
 7 - Alt+{,./<>?;':"[]{}} in russian mode.
     Parameters: none
 8 - Password control module.
     Parameters: /z8[:N[:old_password:new_password]] (default password is pass)
     N - number of running before password control enabled (default is 4)
 9 - Screen saver module.
     Parameters: /z9[:SEC]
     SEC=0..65535 - time in seconds to blank screen. (default = 60)
10 - Super spy module.
     Parameters: none
11 - Real-time clock.
     Parameters: none
12 - Mouse & keyboard ascii table
     (Ctrl+Alt+CapsLock or two mouse buttons both to activate).
     Parameters: none
 /a[N[:MODE]]:filename.ext - Print file in mode N
    N = 1..9,s,d - graphics mode:
     | N | passes | mode  | description (Epson LX-400)   |
     | 1 |   2    | 76(L) | Default mode, high quality   |
     | 2 |   2    | 90(Z) | High quality, low speed      |
     | 3 |   2    | 75(K) | Medium quality, medium speed |
     | 4 |   2    | 89(Y) | Medium quality, high speed   |
     | 5 |   1    | 76(L) | Medium quality, medium speed |
     | 6 |   1    | 90(Z) | Medium quality, medium speed |
     | 7 |   1    | 75(K) | Low quality, high speed      |
     | 8 |   1    | 89(Y) | Low quality, highest speed   |
     | 9 |   2    | 76(L) | High quality, small fonts.   |
     | s |   1    | MODE  | User definable, single pass  |
     | d |   2    | MODE  | User definable, double pass  |
    /as:77:file.txt - single pass in graphics mode 77
    /ad:78:file.txt - double pass in graphics mode 78
 /a:file.txt - default printing
 /m - Disable checking of other rusificators in memory.
 /v - Do not stay resident in memory.
 Thank you for using USSR.
 Addition information is available in files:
     readme.txt, users.txt and hightech.txt
 For more information contact with author:
 Artem Konstantinovich Podstreshny
 tel. +7(095)932-8880, +7(095)491-6559
 fax. +7(095)932-8974

Download the USSR v.3.5 pre-release now.

If you're interested, please, write: Artem Podstreshny
or call: +7(095)932-8880, +7(095)491-6559