Date: Tue, 15 Oct 1996 18:17:18 -0400 (EDT) From: Peter Goldberg Hi Vadim! Your page contains Cyberlink's rate chart. It's outdated now and since it's my letter you quote there I feel responsibility to send you an updated one. Note lower Russia (.79) and Ukraine (.73) rates. Rates are still in effect 24 hours a day but in order to get 6 second (0.1 min) billing you need to perform some trick. Anyway, here it is: NO MONTHLY OR APPLICATION FEES; NO MINIMUM VOLUME COMMITMENTS; NO NEED TO SWITCH CARRIERS. FLAT RATE PER MINUTE ANY TIME 24 hours a day 7 days a week COUNTRY RATE COUNTRY RATE COUNTRY RATE AFGHANISTAN $1.52 GREECE $0.54 PALAU $1.37 ALBANIA $0.96 GREENLAND $0.83 PANAMA $0.74 ALGERIA $0.86 GRENADA $0.79 PAPUA NEW GUINEA $0.99 AMERICAN SAMOA $0.89 GUADELOUPE $0.74 PARAGUAY $0.92 ANDORRA $0.42 GUAM $0.58 PERU $0.85 ANGOLA $1.60 GUANTANAMO BAY $1.07 PHILIPPINES $0.80 ANGUILLA $0.70 GUATEMALA $0.83 POLAND $0.61 ANTIGUA $0.71 GUINEA $1.10 PORTUGAL $0.55 ARGENTINA $0.73 GUINEA BISSAU $1.57 QATAR $1.16 ARMENIA $1.23 GUYANA $1.11 REUNION ISLAND $1.40 ARUBA $0.60 HAITI $0.79 ROMANIA $0.85 ASCENSION ISLAND $1.32 HONDURAS $0.76 RUSSIA $0.79 AUSTRALIA $0.32 HONG KONG $0.47 RWANDA $1.35 AUSTRIA $0.45 HUNGARY $0.54 SAIPAN $0.92 AZERBADIJAN $1.04 ICELAND $0.63 SAN MARINO $0.70 BAHAMAS $0.45 INDIA $0.83 SAO TOME & PRINCIP$1.71 BAHRAIN $1.08 INDONESIA $1.16 SAUDI ARABIA $0.96 BANGLADESH $1.06 INMARSAT $11.31SENEGAL $1.23 BARBADOS $0.77 IRAN $1.20 SERBIA $0.85 BELARUS $0.85 IRAQ $1.41 SEYCHELLES ISLANDS$1.79 BELGIUM $0.45 IRELAND, REP OF $0.49 SIERRA LEONE $1.34 BELIZE $0.86 ISRAEL $0.88 SINGAPOURE $0.31 BENIN $1.06 ITALY $0.45 SLOVAKIA $0.67 BERMUDA $0.59 IVORY COAST $1.05 SLOVENIA $0.74 BHUTAN $1.65 JAMAICA $0.72 SOLOMON ISLANDS $1.34 BOLIVIA $0.87 JAPAN $0.40 SOUTH AFRICA $0.72 BOSNIA $1.08 JORDAN $1.03 SPAIN $0.52 BOTSWANA $1.16 KAZAKHSTAN $0.98 SRI LANKA $1.17 BRAZIL $0.69 KENYA, REP OF $1.14 ST. HELENA $1.41 BRITISH VIRGIN ISL$0.69 KIRIBATI $1.16 ST. KITTS $0.82 BRUNEI $1.04 KOREA, NORTH $1.65 ST. LUCIA $0.82 BULGARIA $0.87 KOREA, SOUTH $0.68 ST. PIERRE & MIQUE$0.50 BURKINA FASO $1.14 KUWAIT $0.92 ST. VINCENT $0.82 BURUNDI $1.05 KYRGYZSTAN $1.10 SUDAN $0.69 CAMBODIA $1.82 LAOS $1.62 SURINAME $1.30 CAMEROON $1.23 LATVIA $0.59 SWAZILAND $0.86 CANADA $0.22 LEBANON $0.98 SWEDEN $0.30 CAPE VERDE ISLAND $1.07 LESOTHO $1.27 SWITZERLAND $0.37 CAYMAN ISLANDS $0.66 LIBERIA $0.99 SYRIA $1.37 CENTRAL AFRICAN RE$1.26 LIBYA $1.08 TAIWAN, REP OF $0.57 CHAD $1.26 LIECHTENSTEIN $0.46 TAJIKISTAN $1.37 CHILE $0.72 LITHUANIA $0.85 TANZANIA $1.08 CHINA $1.07 LUXEMBOURG $0.48 THAILAND $0.99 CHRISTMAS ISLAND $0.89 MACAO $1.01 TOGO, REP OF $1.24 COLOMBIA $0.66 MACEDONIA $1.10 TONGA $1.38 COMOROS/MAYOTTE $1.26 MADAGASCAR $2.69 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO $0.75 CONGO $1.40 MALAWI $0.86 TUNISIA $0.93 COOK ISLAND $1.97 MALAYSIA $0.80 TURKEY $0.76 COSTA RICA $0.72 MALDIVES $1.35 TURKMENISTAN $1.21 CROATIA $0.59 MALI $1.26 TURKS & CAICOS $0.74 CUBA $0.94 MALTA $0.83 TUVALU $1.35 CYPRUS $0.72 MARSHALL ISLANDS $1.51 UGANDA $1.23 CZECH REPUBLIC $0.55 MAURITANIA $1.65 UKRAINE $0.73 DENMARK $0.30 MAURITIUS $1.58 UNITED ARAB EMIRAT$0.85 DIEGO GARCIA $1.38 MAYOTTE ISLAND $1.64 UNITED KINGDOM $0.27 DJIBOUTI $1.11 MICRONESIA $1.35 URUGUAY $1.03 DOMINICA $0.72 MOLDOVA $1.25 UZBEKISTAN $1.20 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC$0.52 MONACO $0.39 VANUATU $1.65 ECUADOR $0.77 MONGOLIA $1.07 VATICAN CITY $0.56 EGYPT $1.00 MONTSERRAT $0.74 VENEZUELA $0.57 EL SALVADOR $0.79 MOROCCO $0.87 VIETNAM $1.39 EQUATORIAL GUINEA $1.44 MOZAMBIQUE $1.07 WALLIS $2.86 ERITREA $1.43 MYANMAR (BURMA) $1.51 WESTERN SOMOA $1.40 ESTONIA $0.46 NAMIBIA $1.01 YEMEN ARAB REP $1.09 ETHIOPIA $1.34 NAURU $1.54 YEMEN DEM REP $1.09 FAEROE ISLANDS $0.47 NEPAL $1.48 YUGOSLAVIA $0.85 FALKLAND ISLANDS $1.35 NETHERLANDS $0.42 ZAIRE $1.01 FIJI ISLANDS $1.35 NETHERLANDS ANT $0.59 ZAMBIA $1.22 FINLAND $0.40 NEVIS $0.74 ZIMBABWE $0.99 FRANCE $0.39 NEW CALEDONIA $1.58 FRENCH ANTILLES $0.82 NEW ZEALAND $0.46 MEXICO ZONE # OffPeak FRENCH GUIANA $0.93 NICARAGUA $0.86 1 $0.27 FRENCH POLYNESIA $0.75 NIGER $1.37 2 $0.31 GABON, REPUBLIC OF$1.15 NIGERIA $0.94 3 $0.42 $0.40 GAMBIA $1.03 NIUE $1.79 4 $0.52 $0.48 GEORGIA $1.10 NORFOLK ISLAND $0.81 5 $0.57 $0.54 GERMANY $0.42 NORWAY $0.42 6 $0.72 $0.71 GHANA $1.03 OMAN $1.37 7 $0.77 $0.71 GIBRALTAR $0.79 PAKISTAN $1.08 8 $0.82 $0.71 From Sat Apr 1 15:11:58 EST 1995 SUSA Communications ( wrote on 27 Mar 1995 18:20:26 -0500: : Thanx God they finaly finished upgrading... DID THEY? Does it mean all the people who waits since December will get accounts? They said "we are finishing..." too many times. BTW here is the rate table in effect since March 1st. Callback rates are 10 c higher etc. Peter AFGHANISTAN 1.37 GIBRALTAR 1.30 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1.44 ALBANIA 1.10 GREECE 0.50 PARAGUAY 1.15 ALGERIA 1.00 GREENLAND 0.97 PERU 0.75 AMERICAN SAMOA 0.80 GRENADA 0.82 PHILIPPINES 0.89 ANDORRA 0.65 GUADELOUPE 0.82 POLAND 0.85 ANGOLA 1.60 GUAM 0.77 PORTUGAL 0.50 ANGUILLA 0.82 GUATEMALA 0.75 QATAR 1.32 ANTIGUA 0.82 GUINEA 2.02 REUNION ISLAND 2.34 ARGENTINA 0.75 GUINEA BISSAU 2.38 ROMANIA 0.89 ARMENIA 1.20 GUYANA 1.25 RUSSIA 0.85 ARUBA 1.10 HAITI 0.75 RWANDA 2.43 ASCENSION ISLAND 1.70 HONDURAS 0.75 SAIPAN 1.10 AUSTRALIA 0.41 HONG KONG 0.51 SAN MARINO 1.20 AUSTRIA 0.45 HUNGARY 0.85 SAO TOME & PRINC 1.95 AZERBADIJAN 1.10 ICELAND 0.85 SAUDI ARABIA 0.94 BAHAMAS 0.45 INDIA 0.98 SENEGAL 1.28 BAHRAIN 1.19 INDONESIA 1.21 SERBIA 0.85 BANGLADESH 1.75 IRAN 1.75 SEYCHELLES ISL. 1.80 BARBADOS 0.82 IRAQ 1.75 SIERRA LEONE 3.24 BELARUS 0.85 IRELAND, REP OF 0.45 SINGAPOURE 0.41 BELGIUM 0.45 ISRAEL 0.89 SLOVAKIA 0.85 BELIZE 1.05 ITALY 0.45 SLOVENIA 1.05 BENIN 1.55 IVORY COAST 1.54 SOLOMON ISLANDS 1.66 BERMUDA 0.66 JAMAICA 0.82 SOUTH AFRICA 0.69 BHUTAN 3.64 JAPAN 0.45 SPAIN 0.50 BOLIVIA 0.75 JORDAN 0.95 SRI LANKA 1.45 BOANIA 0.85 KAZAKHSTAN 1.95 ST. HELENA 2.47 BOTSWANA 1.38 KENYA, REP OF 1.30 ST. KITTS 0.82 BRAZIL 0.75 KIRIBATI 1.72 ST. LUCIA 0.82 BRITISH VIRGIN IS 0.66 KOREA 0.74 ST. PIERRE & MIQU 0.82 BRUNEI 1.22 KUWAIT 1.06 ST. VINCENT 0.82 BULGARIA 0.85 KYRGYZSTAN 1.10 SUDAN 2.76 BURKINA FASO 2.08 LAOS 2.94 SURINAME 1.40 BURUNDI 1.50 LATVIA 0.85 SWAZILAND 1.50 CAMBODIA 2.24 LEBANON 1.33 SWEDEN 0.35 CAMEROON 1.85 LESOTHO 1.42 SWITZERLAND 0.45 CANADA 0.22 LIBERIA 0.90 SYRIA 2.15 CAPE VERDE ISLAND 2.15 LIBYA 1.39 TAIWAN, REP OF 0.61 CAYMAN ISLANDS 0.75 LIECHTENSTEIN 0.45 TAJIKISTAN 1.20 CENTRAL AFRICAN R 3.40 LITHUANIA 0.85 TANZANIA 1.10 CHAD 3.52 LUXEMBOURG 0.45 THAILAND 1.10 CHILE 0.75 MACAO 1.45 TOGO, REP OF 1.69 CHINA 1.40 MACEDONIA 1.30 TONGA 2.12 CHRISTMAS ISLAND 3.71 MADAGASCAR 3.41 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 0.82 COLOMBIA 0.75 MALAWI 1.20 TUNISIA 1.14 COMOROS ISLAND 2.40 MALAYSIA 1.10 TURKEY 1.11 CONGO 1.40 MALDIVES 2.79 TURKMENISTAN 2.35 COOK ISLAND 3.71 MALI 2.27 TURKS & CAICOS 0.82 COSTA RICA 0.75 MALTA 1.42 TUVALU 2.82 CROATIA 0.85 MARSHALL ISLANDS 1.77 UGANDA 1.40 CUBA 1.20 MAURITANIA 2.34 UKRAINE 0.85 CYPRUS 1.27 MAURITIUS 2.38 UNITED ARAB EMIRAT0.92 CZECH REPUBLIC 0.85 MICRONESIA 1.70 UNITED KINGDOM 0.35 DENMARK 0.45 MOLDOVA 1.40 URUGUAY 0.98 DIEGO GARCIA 2.10 MONACO 0.45 UZBEKISTAN 1.20 DJIBOUTI 2.10 MONGOLIA 2.65 VANUATO 3.45 DOMINICA 0.82 MONTSERRAT 0.82 VENEZUELA 0.75 DOMINICAN REP. 0.66 MOROCCO 1.47 VIETNAM 2.06 ECUADOR 0.75 MOZAMBIQUE 1.79 WALLIS 3.01 EGYPT 1.02 MYANMAR (BYRMA) 3.17 WESTERN SOMOA 1.57 EL SALVADOR 0.75 NAMIBIA 1.30 YEMEN ARAB REP 1.03 EQUATORIAL GUINEA 3.30 NAURU 1.62 YEMEN DEM REP 1.03 ESTONIA 0.85 NEPAL 1.99 YUGOSLAVIA 0.85 ETHIOPIA 1.72 NETHERLANDS 0.45 ZAIRE 1.34 FAEROE ISLANDS 0.45 NETHERLANDS ANT 0.82 ZAMBIA 1.22 FALKLAND ISLANDS 1.93 NEVIS 1.19 ZIMBABWE 1.45 FIJI ISLANDS 1.76 NEW CALEDONIA 1.55 FINLAND 0.45 NEW ZEALAND 0.55 FRANCE 0.41 NICARAGUA 0.75 MEXICO: Band 1 0.36 FRENCH ANTILLES 0.82 NIGER 2.02 2 0.36 FRENCH GUIANA 0.75 NIGERIA 0.88 3 0.57 FRENCH POLYNESIA 1.60 NIUE 2.73 4 0.71 GABON, REPUBLIC 1.43 NORWAY 0.45 5 0.71 GAMBIA 1.20 OMAN 1.48 6 0.91 GEORGIA 1.10 PAKISTAN 1.49 7 0.95 GERMANY 0.45 PALAU 2.71 8 1.06 GHANA 1.10 PANAMA 0.75 From Mon Jan 30 18:50:41 EST 1995 NECESSARY FOREWORD. There has been a long discussion in this newsgroup concerning Cyberlink, "Cheap calling cards", agents, etc, etc. The discussion was not so pleasant sometimes. I'd like to say from the very beginning: 1. Ya otvechayu za kazhdoe nizhesleduyushee slovo. 2. Esli vy khotite tratit' men'she na mezhdunarodnye zvonki - prochtite, esli net - ne chitaite. 3. Budu rad otvetit' na vse konkretnye voprosy. My best, Kolya Kukharkin. *************************************************************************** Dear folks, I think this information will be helpful to those of you who are making international calls. And virtually all of us are. You can save 40-90% by signing up with World-Link or Cyberlink, small carriers, which provide access to their network by way of a special toll-free 800 number. Using this method, you are able to access and exploit inexpensive country to country calling without changing long distance carriers. Since there are no sign-up fees or obligations, you may "try out" this service with nothing to lose. Of course, you can continue to make international calls with your existing carrier at any time, just as you always have. So you really have nothing to lose. Being connected to MCI I signed up with both World-Link and Cyberlink and since then I never used MCI for international calls. I would like to share with you what, I believe, is one of the best options for calls to Russia and all other countries of the former Soviet Union from the US. Take a look at the possible options below, check your bill and do your own comparison: MCI: Friends Around the World plan: $1.03/min 3pm-8am weekdays and all weekends for 3 pre-selected telephone numbers in Russia (fSU), requires $3 monthly fee. If you don't use any plan the basic rates are: 1pm-2am: 2.51 first minute/2.37 add. minute ; 7am-1pm 2.02/1.99; 2am-7am 1.80/1.73 AT&T: True World Savings Plan: $1.10/min 3pm-8am weekdays and all weekends for all numbers if Russia has been chosen as a special country, requires $3 monthly fee. (This is the plan which is actively being advertised now over TV, radio and in newspapers in all languages - "Save 40% with "True Voice"... etc.) Basic rates are: 1pm-2am: 2.25/2.12; 7am-1pm 1.85/1.81; 2am-7am 1.70/1.62 Sprint: Sprint Worldwide plan: $1.10/min 12am-12pm weekdays and all weekends, requires $3 monthly fee and $50 minimum monthly spending for long distance calls. Now small companies: WORLD-LINK: $1.08 weekdays, $0.88 weekends, no fees, no restrictions, from ANY touch-tone phone in the USA. CYBERLINK: $0.85 flat rate - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, no fees, no restrictions. You can connect several phone numbers. There is, however, one non-trivial thing. If you have a number at a University Campus (in other words, you need to dial 9 or to do smth else in order to make an outside call) you probably will not be able to connect this number to Cyberlink. To summarize: 1. You do not have to switch from the telephone company that you are now using. You will have the convenience of using several telephone services simultaneously. Every time you make a call you can choose the cheapest option by dialing 1-800 access code. 2. Cyberlink suggests the cheapest rates for international calls in the US, but you can only place calls from the telephone numbers you have written on the order form. With World-Link you can make calls from ANY touch-tone phone. This is similar to the calling cards offered by other carriers, but with one major difference... World-Link does not have any surcharge per call like the others (usually from $0.75 to $4.75) and the rates for international calls are lower than any by AT&T, MCI, or Sprint. Simply sign up for BOTH! You don't lose anything. 3. No monthly charges or minimums. No special terms or restrictions on who to call, when to call, how often to call. You get a simple, low-cost alternative on every call you make. Make your own choice and save on every call. 4. All calls are billed in short time increments (Cyberlink 6 sec, World-Link 15 sec, 30 sec minimum). Remember, AT&T, MCI, and Sprint use full-minute increments for billing purposes so if your call lasts 2 minutes and 1 second, you will be billed for a 3-minute call. A program using six-second increments would bill you for 2 minutes and 6 seconds instead. Certainly, all these features are valid for international calls everywhere, not only to Russia and fSU. There are also more features. For example, you can call from anywhere in the world to anywhere else with Cyberlink. It is convenient if you are traveling outside the country or want your friends and relatives abroad to be able to call you at almost the same bargain rates. If you have any questions, would like to get more information, complete charts of per minute rates, and application forms please send e-mail to Nikolai Kukharkin